protocapsule v.1

Caleb Nance

Caleb Nance


I have been wanting to release this project for a while now and it feels good to finally be able to announce the release of protocapsule v.1!

Release Notes:#

  • Apps and Microinteractions tabs
    • Onboarding for how to use protocapsule
    • Full app experiences (three finger touch to get back to the home screen)
    • Apps can be categorized by group name (for multiple design team efforts)
    • Microinteractions with preview image support
  • Settings Screen
    • Quickly customize in app for more personalized experiences
    • Access to onboarding flow
    • Quick link to documentation site

For more detailed information about a specific topic, please deep dive into the /docs/ section.


As far as roadmap, I have a lot planned for future releases too:

  • multi-language support
  • react navigation v5 support
  • better work flow helpers
  • "Components" tab (for showing off your teams re-usable component library)
  • create app / microinteraction commands (boilerplates)
  • "last updated" flags/sorting
  • more microinteraction examples