
React Native/Expo is one of the fastest ways to get prototypes in the hands of working teams, stakeholders, and user testers.

With protocapsule, I tried to make it even easier for a developer to internally share multiple end-to-end experiences or simple microinteractions with anyone on their working team.

For example, your dev team is supporting multiple design teams that have a screen or experience they want user tested or in the hands of stakeholders and a figma/invision prototype just isn't cutting it.

Loading the experience into protocapsule, you can simply give access via TestFlight or .apk. Because this is using expo's managed workflow, all future code pushes (via expo publish) the user will get from over-the-air updates the next time they open the app! Ensuring your working team always have the latest and greatest from your dev team.

Key takeaways:#

  • View and manage apps and microinteractions in one app.
  • Design team/working team can see the developers progress and what other design teams are doing.
  • A great way to store old apps/experiences for future reference!
  • Real code, on a real device, great for user testing sessions.
  • You only need to give access to this one app (via TestFlight or .apk sharing), rather than each time you create a new experience or app.

What you get#

  • protocapsule built with:
    • Managed Expo SDK 40
    • React Navigation v4
  • Design files to help with rebranding of protocapsule for your teams usage.