
I've tried to keep the project structure of protocapsule pretty simple and easy to navigate.

protocapsule directory
├── src
│ ├── apps
│ ├── capsule
│ ├── microinteractions
│ └── navigation
├── App.js (main app entry)
└── app.json


This directory is meant for full applications. Testing out an end-to-end experience, a new look of an application, or even a new flow for a pre-existing experience. This is the main tab section of protocapsule.

A great starter repo I created for this section: expo-quick-prototype.


This directory contains all that makes protocapsule work, screens, navigation stacks, components, data, etc.

There are probably only two files you will want to edit within /capsule/:

/src/capsule/data.js: for data mapping the apps and microinteractions within protocapsule (and supporting imagery).

/src/capsule/constants/colors.js: for rebranding/theming protocapsule to fit your teams needs (read more on Rebranding).


This directory contains single screens/files that can quickly be added to protocapsule for even faster turn-around time as you ideate with your design teams. This is the second tab section of protocapsule.


This directory contains the main switch navigator that routes all stacks of the apps, and microinteractions.

See also#